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Shop by material type
Shop by material type
Agoya (Akoya) shell (Pinctada fucata)
Agoya (Akoya) shell (Pinctada fucata)
Agoya (Akoya) shell buttons and button blanks
Agoya laminated shell sheets
Agoya shell veneer
Agoya flexible shell sheets
Artificial Stone
Artificial Stone
Artificial stone bow slides and eyes
Artificial stone inlay blanks
Artificial stone inlay dots and discs
Artificial stone knife handle scales
Artificial stone purfling strips
Australian Greenlip abalone (smooth Australian abalone) - Haliotis laevigata
Australian Greenlip abalone (smooth Australian abalone) - Haliotis laevigata
Australian greenlip abalone bow slides & eyes
Australian greenlip abalone dots and discs
Australian greenlip abalone fishing lures (fishing spoons)
Australian Greenlip abalone flexible shell sheets
Australian greenlip abalone inlay blanks
Australian greenlip abalone laminated shell sheets
Australian greenlip abalone shell inlay shapes and markers
Australian greenlip abalone shells natural and Polished
Australian greenlip abalone strips curved
Australian greenlip abalone strips straight
Australian greenlip abalone veneer sheets
Australian Greenlip abalone watch dials
Awabi shell (Haliotis gigantea)
Awabi shell (Haliotis gigantea)
Awabi (Goldfish) bow slides & eyes
Awabi buttons & button blanks
Awabi dots & discs
Awabi flexible sheets
Awabi inlay blanks
Awabi laminated sheets
Awabi shell cabochons
Awabi shell chips and Terrazzo aggregates
Awabi shell feathers
Awabi shell fishing spoons (lures)
Awabi shell inlay feathers
Awabi shell Inlay shapes, markers
Awabi shell natural and polished
Awabi shell strips curved
Awabi shell strips straight
Awabi shell veneer
Awabi shell watch dials
Black abalone shell (Haliotis cracherodii)
Black abalone shell (Haliotis cracherodii)
Black abalone cabochons
Black Mother of Pearl shell (Pinctada margaritifera)
Black Mother of Pearl shell (Pinctada margaritifera)
Black Mother of Pear flexible shell sheets
Black Mother of Pearl watch dials
Black Mother of Pearl blanks
Black Mother of Pearl bow slides & eyes
Black Mother of Pearl Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
Black Mother of Pearl chips and terrazzo aggregates
Black Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Black Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Black Mother of Pearl inlay blank sets
Black Mother of Pearl knife handle scales and blanks
Black Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Black Mother of Pearl shell buttons & button blanks
Black Mother of Pearl shell cabochons
Black Mother of Pearl shell curved strips
Black Mother of Pearl shell feathers
Black Mother of Pearl shell inlay feathers
Black Mother of Pearl shell natural and Polished
Black Mother of Pearl shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Black Mother of Pearl shell strips straight
Black Mother of Pearl shell tiles
Black Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Bone musical instrument nut and saddle blanks
Brown mussel shell
Brown mussel shell
Brown mussel bow slides & eyes
Brown mussel buttons & button blanks
Brown mussel dots & discs
Brown mussel inlay blanks
Brownlip Mother or Pearl (Pteria penguin)
Brownlip Mother or Pearl (Pteria penguin)
Brownlip MOP shell feathers
Brownlip Mother of Pearl watch dials
Brownlip Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Brownlip Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Brownlip Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Brownlip Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Brownlip Mother of Pearl shell buttons & button blanks
Brownlip Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Buffalo horn
Buffalo horn
Buffalo horn musical instrument nuts and saddles
Donkey ear abalone (Haliotis asinina)
Donkey ear abalone (Haliotis asinina)
Donkey ear abalone flexible shell sheets
Donkey ear abalone laminated sheet
Donkey ear abalone shell veneer
Fresh water pearl shell
Fresh water pearl shell
Fresh Water Pearl beads
Fresh Water Pearl laminated shell sheets
Fresh Water Pearl shell veneer
Gold Mother of Pearl shell (Pinctada maxima)
Gold Mother of Pearl shell (Pinctada maxima)
Gold MOP shell inlay precut shapes and Inlay markers
Gold Mother of Pearl watch dials
Gold Mother of Pearl bow slides & eyes
Gold Mother of Pearl cabochons
Gold Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Gold Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Gold Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Gold Mother of Pearl inlay sets
Gold Mother of Pearl knife handle scales
Gold Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Gold Mother of Pearl purfling strips curved
Gold Mother of Pearl purfling strips straight
Gold Mother of Pearl shell inlay feathers
Gold Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Green abalone shell (Haliotis fulgens)
Green abalone shell (Haliotis fulgens)
Green abalone bow slides & eyes
Green abalone cabochons
Green abalone dots & discs
Green abalone fishing lures
Green abalone flexible shell sheets
Green abalone inlay blanks
Green abalone laminated sheets
Green abalone purfling strips curved
Green abalone purfling strips straight
Green abalone shell feathers
Green abalone shell inlay precut shapes & inlay markers
Green abalone shell veneer
Green abalone shells natural and polished
Green abalone watch dials
Green abalone shell inlay feathers
Green Turban, Green Snail (Turbo marmoratus)
Green Turban, Green Snail (Turbo marmoratus)
Green Turban (Green snail) bow slides & eyes
Green abalone shells natural and polished
Green Turban (Green snail) dots & discs
Green Turban (Green snail) fishing lures
Green Turban (Green snail) inlay blanks
Green Turban (Green snail) laminated sheets
Green Turban (Green Snail) shell feathers
Green Turban (Green snail) shell natural and Polished
Green Turban (Green snail) shell veneer
Green Turban (Green snail) watch dials
Mammoth Ivory
Opal and Manufactured Opal
Opal and Manufactured Opal
Opal bow slides and eyes
Opal Inlay blanks
Opal inlay dots and discs
Opal purfling strips
Paua shell (Haliotis iris)
Paua shell (Haliotis iris)
Paua abalone bow slides & eyes
Paua abalone buttons & button blanks
Paua abalone inlay sets
Paua abalone shell inlay blanks
Paua shell chips and terrazzo aggregate
Paua shell dots & discs
Paua shell feathers
Paua shell fishing lures
Paua shell inlay feathers
Paua shell laminated sheets
Paua shell polished and natural
Paua shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Paua shell strips curved
Paua shell strips straight
Paua shell veneer
Paua shell watch dials
Mother of Pearl shell
Pink abalone shell (Haliotis corrugata)
Pink abalone shell (Haliotis corrugata)
Pink abalone dots & discs
Pink abalone inlay feathers
Pink abalone laminated sheets
Pink abalone shell inlay blanks
Pink abalone strips curved
Pink abalone strips straight
Pink abalone veneer
Pink mussel shell
Pink mussel shell
Pink mussel inlay sets
Pink mussel purfling strips curved
Pink mussel purfling strips straight
Pink mussel shell bow slides & eyes
Pink mussel shell dots & discs
Pink mussel shell inlay blanks
Pink mussel shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Red abalone shell (Haliotis rufescens)
Red abalone shell (Haliotis rufescens)
Red abalone cabochons
Red abalone dots & discs
Red abalone fishing lures
Red abalone laminated sheets
Red abalone purfling strips curved
Red abalone purfling strips straight
Red abalone shell bow slides & eyes
Red abalone shell inlay blanks
Red abalone shell natural and polished
Red abalone veneer
Scallup Shell
Trochus shell
Trochus shell
Trochus shell buttons & button blanks
Trochus shell chips and terrazzo aggregate
White Ivory Pearl shell
White Ivory Pearl shell
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) buttons & button blanks
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) cabochons
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) dots & discs
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) fishing lures
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) flexible shell sheets
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) inlay blanks
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) inlay precut shapes
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) knife handle scales
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) terrazzo aggregate (chips)
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) watch dials
White Mother of Pearl shell (Pinctada maxima)
White Mother of Pearl shell (Pinctada maxima)
White MOP strips straight
White MOP strips curved
White Mother of Pearl beads
White Mother of Pearl Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
White Mother of Pearl buttons & button blanks
White Mother of Pearl cabochons
White Mother of Pearl dots & discs
White Mother of Pearl feathers
White Mother of Pearl fishing lures
White Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
White Mother of Pearl inlay precut shapes and inlay markers
White Mother of Pearl inlay sets
White Mother of Pearl laminated sheets
White Mother of Pearl nut & saddle blanks
White Mother of Pearl Shell inlay feathers
White Mother of pearl shell knife handle scales
White Mother of Pearl veneer
White Mother of Pearl watch dials
Shop by product type
Shop by product type
Bow frog slides and eyes
Bow frog slides and eyes
Artificial stone bow slides and eyes
Australian greenlip abalone bow slides & eyes
Awabi (Goldfish) bow slides & eyes
Black Mother of Pearl bow slides & eyes
Brown mussel bow slides & eyes
Gold Mother of Pearl bow slides & eyes
Green abalone bow slides & eyes
Green Turban (Green snail) bow slides & eyes
Opal bow slides and eyes
Paua abalone bow slides & eyes
Pink mussel shell bow slides & eyes
Red abalone shell bow slides & eyes
White Mother of Pearl bow slides & eyes
Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
Black Mother of Pearl Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
White Mother of Pearl Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
Awabi shell cabochons
Black abalone cabochons
Black Mother of Pearl shell cabochons
Gold Mother of Pearl cabochons
Green abalone cabochons
Red abalone cabochons
White Mother of Pearl cabochons
Custom Logos and motifs
Dots and discs
Dots and discs
Artificial stone inlay dots and discs
Australian greenlip abalone dots and discs
Awabi dots & discs
Black Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Brown mussel dots & discs
Brownlip Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Gold Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Green abalone dots & discs
Green Turban (Green snail) dots & discs
Opal inlay dots and discs
Paua shell dots & discs
Pink abalone dots & discs
Pink mussel shell dots & discs
Red abalone dots & discs
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) dots & discs
White Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Fashion accessories & Jewellery
Fashion accessories & Jewellery
Mother of Pearl Jewellery and Jewellery parts
Flexible shell sheets
Flexible shell sheets
Agoya flexible shell sheets
Australian Greenlip abalone flexible shell sheets
Awabi flexible sheets
Black Mother of Pear flexible shell sheets
Donkey ear abalone flexible shell sheets
Green abalone flexible shell sheets
Gold Mother of Pearl flexible shell sheets
Green Turban (Green Snail) flexible shell sheets
Paua flexible sheet
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) flexible shell sheets
White Mother of Pearl flexible sheet
Guitar bridge pins
Guitar bridge pins
Guitar bridge pins Size 1
Guitar bridge pins Size 2A
Inlay blank sets
Inlay blank sets
Les Paul Custom block inlay sets
Les Paul Standard crown inlay sets 10pcs per set.
Precision bass inlay block set 9pcs
Black Mother of Pearl inlay blank sets
Gold Mother of Pearl inlay sets
Green abalone inlay sets
Paua abalone inlay sets
Pink mussel inlay sets
White Mother of Pearl inlay sets
Inlay blanks
Inlay blanks
Artificial stone inlay blanks
Australian greenlip abalone inlay blanks
Awabi inlay blanks
Black Mother of Pearl blanks
Brown mussel inlay blanks
Brownlip Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Gold Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Green abalone inlay blanks
Green Turban (Green snail) inlay blanks
Opal Inlay blanks
Paua abalone shell inlay blanks
Pink abalone shell inlay blanks
Pink mussel shell inlay blanks
Red abalone shell inlay blanks
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) inlay blanks
White Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Inlay markers
Inlay markers
Awabi shell Inlay shapes, markers
Australian greenlip abalone shell inlay shapes and markers
Black Mother of Pearl shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Gold MOP shell inlay precut shapes and Inlay markers
Green abalone shell inlay precut shapes & inlay markers
Paua shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Pink mussel shell precut shapes and inlay markers
White Mother of Pearl inlay precut shapes and inlay markers
Knife handle scales & blanks
Knife handle scales & blanks
Artificial stone knife handle scales
Black Mother of Pearl knife handle scales and blanks
Gold Mother of Pearl knife handle scales
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) knife handle scales
White Mother of pearl shell knife handle scales
Laminated shell sheets
Laminated shell sheets
Agoya laminated shell sheets
Australian greenlip abalone laminated shell sheets
Awabi laminated sheets
Black Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Brownlip Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Donkey ear abalone laminated sheet
Fresh Water Pearl laminated shell sheets
Gold Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Green abalone laminated sheets
Green Turban (Green snail) laminated sheets
Paua shell laminated sheets
Pink abalone laminated sheets
Red abalone laminated sheets
White Mother of Pearl laminated sheets
Marquetry supplies
Mother of Pearl caviar spoons, knives & forks
Mother of Pearl Jewellery and Jewellery parts
Mother of Pearl Jewellery and Jewellery parts
Awabi shell cabochons
Black abalone cabochons
Black Mother of Pearl shell cabochons
Fresh Water Pearl beads
Gold Mother of Pearl cabochons
Green abalone cabochons
Red abalone cabochons
Shell beads
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) cabochons
White Mother of Pearl beads
White Mother of Pearl cabochons
Fashion accessories & Jewellery
Nuts and Bridge blanks for musical instruments
Nuts and saddles
Shell beads
Shell buttons and button blanks
Shell buttons and button blanks
Agoya (Akoya) shell buttons and button blanks
Awabi buttons & button blanks
Black Mother of Pearl shell buttons & button blanks
Brown mussel buttons & button blanks
Brownlip Mother of Pearl shell buttons & button blanks
Green Turban (Green snail) buttons & button blanks
Paua abalone buttons & button blanks
Trochus shell buttons & button blanks
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) buttons & button blanks
White Mother of Pearl buttons & button blanks
Shell chips & Terrazzo agregates
Shell chips & Terrazzo agregates
Mother of Pearl terrazzo aggregate (chips)
Mother of Pearl chips and terrazzo aggregate
Awabi shell chips and Terrazzo aggregates
Black Mother of Pearl chips and terrazzo aggregates
Paua shell chips and terrazzo aggregate
Trochus shell chips and terrazzo aggregate
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) terrazzo aggregate (chips)
Shell Feathers
Shell Feathers
Awabi shell feathers
Black Mother of Pearl shell feathers
Brownlip MOP shell feathers
Green abalone shell feathers
Green Turban (Green Snail) shell feathers
Paua shell feathers
White Mother of Pearl feathers
Shell fishing lures (fishing spoons)
Shell fishing lures (fishing spoons)
Australian greenlip abalone fishing lures (fishing spoons)
Awabi shell fishing spoons (lures)
Black Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Brownlip Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Gold Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Green abalone fishing lures
Green Turban (Green snail) fishing lures
Paua shell fishing lures
Red abalone fishing lures
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) fishing lures
White Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Shell inlay blanks
Shell inlay blanks
Artificial stone inlay blanks
Australian greenlip abalone inlay blanks
Awabi inlay blanks
Black Mother of Pearl blanks
Brown mussel inlay blanks
Brownlip Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Gold Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Green abalone inlay blanks
Green Turban (Green snail) inlay blanks
Opal Inlay blanks
Paua abalone shell inlay blanks
Pink abalone shell inlay blanks
Pink mussel shell inlay blanks
Red abalone shell inlay blanks
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) inlay blanks
White Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Shell inlay feathers
Shell inlay feathers
Awabi shell inlay feathers
Black Mother of Pearl shell inlay feathers
Gold Mother of Pearl shell inlay feathers
Green abalone shell inlay feathers
Paua shell inlay feathers
Pink abalone inlay feathers
White Mother of Pearl Shell inlay feathers
Shell Inlay shapes, markers
Shell Inlay shapes, markers
Australian greenlip abalone shell inlay shapes and markers
Awabi shell Inlay shapes, markers
Black Mother of Pearl shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Gold MOP shell inlay precut shapes and Inlay markers
Green abalone shell inlay precut shapes & inlay markers
Paua shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Pink mussel shell precut shapes and inlay markers
White Mother of Pearl inlay precut shapes and inlay markers
Shell veneer sheets with and without backing
Shell veneer sheets with and without backing
Agoya shell veneer
Australian greenlip abalone veneer sheets
Awabi shell veneer
Black Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Brownlip Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Donkey ear abalone shell veneer
Fresh Water Pearl shell veneer
Gold Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Green abalone shell veneer
Green Turban (Green snail) shell veneer
Paua shell veneer
Pink abalone veneer
Red abalone veneer
White Mother of Pearl veneer
Shell tiles
Shell tiles
Black Mother of Pearl shell tiles
Australian greenlip abalone shells natural and Polished
Awabi shell natural and polished
Black Mother of Pearl shell natural and Polished
Green abalone shells natural and polished
Green Turban (Green snail) shell natural and Polished
Mother of Pearl shell
Paua shell polished and natural
Red abalone shell natural and polished
Strips and Purfling strips
Strips and Purfling strips
Artificial stone purfling strips
Australian greenlip abalone strips curved
Australian greenlip abalone strips straight
Awabi shell strips curved
Awabi shell strips straight
Black Mother of Pearl shell curved strips
Black Mother of Pearl shell strips straight
Gold Mother of Pearl purfling strips curved
Gold Mother of Pearl purfling strips straight
Green abalone purfling strips curved
Green abalone purfling strips straight
Opal purfling strips
Paua shell strips curved
Paua shell strips straight
Pink abalone strips curved
Pink abalone strips straight
Pink mussel purfling strips curved
Pink mussel purfling strips straight
Red abalone purfling strips curved
Red abalone purfling strips straight
White MOP strips curved
White MOP strips straight
Watch dials and watch dial blanks
Watch dials and watch dial blanks
Australian Greenlip abalone watch dials
Awabi shell watch dials
Black Mother of Pearl watch dials
Brownlip Mother of Pearl watch dials
Gold Mother of Pearl watch dials
Green abalone watch dials
Green Turban (Green snail) watch dials
Paua shell watch dials
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) watch dials
White Mother of Pearl watch dials
Log in
Mother of Pearl Supplies
Shop by material type
Agoya (Akoya) shell (Pinctada fucata)
Agoya (Akoya) shell buttons and button blanks
Agoya laminated shell sheets
Agoya shell veneer
Agoya flexible shell sheets
Artificial Stone
Artificial stone bow slides and eyes
Artificial stone inlay blanks
Artificial stone inlay dots and discs
Artificial stone knife handle scales
Artificial stone purfling strips
Australian Greenlip abalone (smooth Australian abalone) - Haliotis laevigata
Australian greenlip abalone bow slides & eyes
Australian greenlip abalone dots and discs
Australian greenlip abalone fishing lures (fishing spoons)
Australian Greenlip abalone flexible shell sheets
Australian greenlip abalone inlay blanks
Australian greenlip abalone laminated shell sheets
Australian greenlip abalone shell inlay shapes and markers
Australian greenlip abalone shells natural and Polished
Australian greenlip abalone strips curved
Australian greenlip abalone strips straight
Australian greenlip abalone veneer sheets
Australian Greenlip abalone watch dials
Awabi shell (Haliotis gigantea)
Awabi (Goldfish) bow slides & eyes
Awabi buttons & button blanks
Awabi dots & discs
Awabi flexible sheets
Awabi inlay blanks
Awabi laminated sheets
Awabi shell cabochons
Awabi shell chips and Terrazzo aggregates
Awabi shell feathers
Awabi shell fishing spoons (lures)
Awabi shell inlay feathers
Awabi shell Inlay shapes, markers
Awabi shell natural and polished
Awabi shell strips curved
Awabi shell strips straight
Awabi shell veneer
Awabi shell watch dials
Black abalone shell (Haliotis cracherodii)
Black abalone cabochons
Black Mother of Pearl shell (Pinctada margaritifera)
Black Mother of Pear flexible shell sheets
Black Mother of Pearl watch dials
Black Mother of Pearl blanks
Black Mother of Pearl bow slides & eyes
Black Mother of Pearl Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
Black Mother of Pearl chips and terrazzo aggregates
Black Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Black Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Black Mother of Pearl inlay blank sets
Black Mother of Pearl knife handle scales and blanks
Black Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Black Mother of Pearl shell buttons & button blanks
Black Mother of Pearl shell cabochons
Black Mother of Pearl shell curved strips
Black Mother of Pearl shell feathers
Black Mother of Pearl shell inlay feathers
Black Mother of Pearl shell natural and Polished
Black Mother of Pearl shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Black Mother of Pearl shell strips straight
Black Mother of Pearl shell tiles
Black Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Bone musical instrument nut and saddle blanks
Brown mussel shell
Brown mussel bow slides & eyes
Brown mussel buttons & button blanks
Brown mussel dots & discs
Brown mussel inlay blanks
Brownlip Mother or Pearl (Pteria penguin)
Brownlip MOP shell feathers
Brownlip Mother of Pearl watch dials
Brownlip Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Brownlip Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Brownlip Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Brownlip Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Brownlip Mother of Pearl shell buttons & button blanks
Brownlip Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Buffalo horn
Buffalo horn musical instrument nuts and saddles
Donkey ear abalone (Haliotis asinina)
Donkey ear abalone flexible shell sheets
Donkey ear abalone laminated sheet
Donkey ear abalone shell veneer
Fresh water pearl shell
Fresh Water Pearl beads
Fresh Water Pearl laminated shell sheets
Fresh Water Pearl shell veneer
Gold Mother of Pearl shell (Pinctada maxima)
Gold MOP shell inlay precut shapes and Inlay markers
Gold Mother of Pearl watch dials
Gold Mother of Pearl bow slides & eyes
Gold Mother of Pearl cabochons
Gold Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Gold Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Gold Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Gold Mother of Pearl inlay sets
Gold Mother of Pearl knife handle scales
Gold Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Gold Mother of Pearl purfling strips curved
Gold Mother of Pearl purfling strips straight
Gold Mother of Pearl shell inlay feathers
Gold Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Green abalone shell (Haliotis fulgens)
Green abalone bow slides & eyes
Green abalone cabochons
Green abalone dots & discs
Green abalone fishing lures
Green abalone flexible shell sheets
Green abalone inlay blanks
Green abalone laminated sheets
Green abalone purfling strips curved
Green abalone purfling strips straight
Green abalone shell feathers
Green abalone shell inlay precut shapes & inlay markers
Green abalone shell veneer
Green abalone shells natural and polished
Green abalone watch dials
Green abalone shell inlay feathers
Green Turban, Green Snail (Turbo marmoratus)
Green Turban (Green snail) bow slides & eyes
Green abalone shells natural and polished
Green Turban (Green snail) dots & discs
Green Turban (Green snail) fishing lures
Green Turban (Green snail) inlay blanks
Green Turban (Green snail) laminated sheets
Green Turban (Green Snail) shell feathers
Green Turban (Green snail) shell natural and Polished
Green Turban (Green snail) shell veneer
Green Turban (Green snail) watch dials
Mammoth Ivory
Opal and Manufactured Opal
Opal bow slides and eyes
Opal Inlay blanks
Opal inlay dots and discs
Opal purfling strips
Paua shell (Haliotis iris)
Paua abalone bow slides & eyes
Paua abalone buttons & button blanks
Paua abalone inlay sets
Paua abalone shell inlay blanks
Paua shell chips and terrazzo aggregate
Paua shell dots & discs
Paua shell feathers
Paua shell fishing lures
Paua shell inlay feathers
Paua shell laminated sheets
Paua shell polished and natural
Paua shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Paua shell strips curved
Paua shell strips straight
Paua shell veneer
Paua shell watch dials
Mother of Pearl shell
Pink abalone shell (Haliotis corrugata)
Pink abalone dots & discs
Pink abalone inlay feathers
Pink abalone laminated sheets
Pink abalone shell inlay blanks
Pink abalone strips curved
Pink abalone strips straight
Pink abalone veneer
Pink mussel shell
Pink mussel inlay sets
Pink mussel purfling strips curved
Pink mussel purfling strips straight
Pink mussel shell bow slides & eyes
Pink mussel shell dots & discs
Pink mussel shell inlay blanks
Pink mussel shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Red abalone shell (Haliotis rufescens)
Red abalone cabochons
Red abalone dots & discs
Red abalone fishing lures
Red abalone laminated sheets
Red abalone purfling strips curved
Red abalone purfling strips straight
Red abalone shell bow slides & eyes
Red abalone shell inlay blanks
Red abalone shell natural and polished
Red abalone veneer
Scallup Shell
Trochus shell
Trochus shell buttons & button blanks
Trochus shell chips and terrazzo aggregate
White Ivory Pearl shell
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) buttons & button blanks
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) cabochons
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) dots & discs
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) fishing lures
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) flexible shell sheets
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) inlay blanks
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) inlay precut shapes
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) knife handle scales
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) terrazzo aggregate (chips)
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) watch dials
White Mother of Pearl shell (Pinctada maxima)
White MOP strips straight
White MOP strips curved
White Mother of Pearl beads
White Mother of Pearl Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
White Mother of Pearl buttons & button blanks
White Mother of Pearl cabochons
White Mother of Pearl dots & discs
White Mother of Pearl feathers
White Mother of Pearl fishing lures
White Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
White Mother of Pearl inlay precut shapes and inlay markers
White Mother of Pearl inlay sets
White Mother of Pearl laminated sheets
White Mother of Pearl nut & saddle blanks
White Mother of Pearl Shell inlay feathers
White Mother of pearl shell knife handle scales
White Mother of Pearl veneer
White Mother of Pearl watch dials
Shop by product type
Bow frog slides and eyes
Artificial stone bow slides and eyes
Australian greenlip abalone bow slides & eyes
Awabi (Goldfish) bow slides & eyes
Black Mother of Pearl bow slides & eyes
Brown mussel bow slides & eyes
Gold Mother of Pearl bow slides & eyes
Green abalone bow slides & eyes
Green Turban (Green snail) bow slides & eyes
Opal bow slides and eyes
Paua abalone bow slides & eyes
Pink mussel shell bow slides & eyes
Red abalone shell bow slides & eyes
White Mother of Pearl bow slides & eyes
Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
Black Mother of Pearl Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
White Mother of Pearl Brasswind & Woodwind finger button inlays
Awabi shell cabochons
Black abalone cabochons
Black Mother of Pearl shell cabochons
Gold Mother of Pearl cabochons
Green abalone cabochons
Red abalone cabochons
White Mother of Pearl cabochons
Custom Logos and motifs
Dots and discs
Artificial stone inlay dots and discs
Australian greenlip abalone dots and discs
Awabi dots & discs
Black Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Brown mussel dots & discs
Brownlip Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Gold Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Green abalone dots & discs
Green Turban (Green snail) dots & discs
Opal inlay dots and discs
Paua shell dots & discs
Pink abalone dots & discs
Pink mussel shell dots & discs
Red abalone dots & discs
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) dots & discs
White Mother of Pearl dots & discs
Fashion accessories & Jewellery
Mother of Pearl Jewellery and Jewellery parts
Flexible shell sheets
Agoya flexible shell sheets
Australian Greenlip abalone flexible shell sheets
Awabi flexible sheets
Black Mother of Pear flexible shell sheets
Donkey ear abalone flexible shell sheets
Green abalone flexible shell sheets
Gold Mother of Pearl flexible shell sheets
Green Turban (Green Snail) flexible shell sheets
Paua flexible sheet
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) flexible shell sheets
White Mother of Pearl flexible sheet
Guitar bridge pins
Guitar bridge pins Size 1
Guitar bridge pins Size 2A
Inlay blank sets
Les Paul Custom block inlay sets
Les Paul Standard crown inlay sets 10pcs per set.
Precision bass inlay block set 9pcs
Black Mother of Pearl inlay blank sets
Gold Mother of Pearl inlay sets
Green abalone inlay sets
Paua abalone inlay sets
Pink mussel inlay sets
White Mother of Pearl inlay sets
Inlay blanks
Artificial stone inlay blanks
Australian greenlip abalone inlay blanks
Awabi inlay blanks
Black Mother of Pearl blanks
Brown mussel inlay blanks
Brownlip Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Gold Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Green abalone inlay blanks
Green Turban (Green snail) inlay blanks
Opal Inlay blanks
Paua abalone shell inlay blanks
Pink abalone shell inlay blanks
Pink mussel shell inlay blanks
Red abalone shell inlay blanks
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) inlay blanks
White Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Inlay markers
Awabi shell Inlay shapes, markers
Australian greenlip abalone shell inlay shapes and markers
Black Mother of Pearl shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Gold MOP shell inlay precut shapes and Inlay markers
Green abalone shell inlay precut shapes & inlay markers
Paua shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Pink mussel shell precut shapes and inlay markers
White Mother of Pearl inlay precut shapes and inlay markers
Knife handle scales & blanks
Artificial stone knife handle scales
Black Mother of Pearl knife handle scales and blanks
Gold Mother of Pearl knife handle scales
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) knife handle scales
White Mother of pearl shell knife handle scales
Laminated shell sheets
Agoya laminated shell sheets
Australian greenlip abalone laminated shell sheets
Awabi laminated sheets
Black Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Brownlip Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Donkey ear abalone laminated sheet
Fresh Water Pearl laminated shell sheets
Gold Mother of Pearl laminated shell sheets
Green abalone laminated sheets
Green Turban (Green snail) laminated sheets
Paua shell laminated sheets
Pink abalone laminated sheets
Red abalone laminated sheets
White Mother of Pearl laminated sheets
Marquetry supplies
Mother of Pearl caviar spoons, knives & forks
Mother of Pearl Jewellery and Jewellery parts
Awabi shell cabochons
Black abalone cabochons
Black Mother of Pearl shell cabochons
Fresh Water Pearl beads
Gold Mother of Pearl cabochons
Green abalone cabochons
Red abalone cabochons
Shell beads
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) cabochons
White Mother of Pearl beads
White Mother of Pearl cabochons
Fashion accessories & Jewellery
Nuts and Bridge blanks for musical instruments
Nuts and saddles
Shell beads
Shell buttons and button blanks
Agoya (Akoya) shell buttons and button blanks
Awabi buttons & button blanks
Black Mother of Pearl shell buttons & button blanks
Brown mussel buttons & button blanks
Brownlip Mother of Pearl shell buttons & button blanks
Green Turban (Green snail) buttons & button blanks
Paua abalone buttons & button blanks
Trochus shell buttons & button blanks
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) buttons & button blanks
White Mother of Pearl buttons & button blanks
Shell chips & Terrazzo agregates
Mother of Pearl terrazzo aggregate (chips)
Mother of Pearl chips and terrazzo aggregate
Awabi shell chips and Terrazzo aggregates
Black Mother of Pearl chips and terrazzo aggregates
Paua shell chips and terrazzo aggregate
Trochus shell chips and terrazzo aggregate
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) terrazzo aggregate (chips)
Shell Feathers
Awabi shell feathers
Black Mother of Pearl shell feathers
Brownlip MOP shell feathers
Green abalone shell feathers
Green Turban (Green Snail) shell feathers
Paua shell feathers
White Mother of Pearl feathers
Shell fishing lures (fishing spoons)
Australian greenlip abalone fishing lures (fishing spoons)
Awabi shell fishing spoons (lures)
Black Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Brownlip Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Gold Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Green abalone fishing lures
Green Turban (Green snail) fishing lures
Paua shell fishing lures
Red abalone fishing lures
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) fishing lures
White Mother of Pearl fishing lures
Shell inlay blanks
Artificial stone inlay blanks
Australian greenlip abalone inlay blanks
Awabi inlay blanks
Black Mother of Pearl blanks
Brown mussel inlay blanks
Brownlip Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Gold Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Green abalone inlay blanks
Green Turban (Green snail) inlay blanks
Opal Inlay blanks
Paua abalone shell inlay blanks
Pink abalone shell inlay blanks
Pink mussel shell inlay blanks
Red abalone shell inlay blanks
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) inlay blanks
White Mother of Pearl inlay blanks
Shell inlay feathers
Awabi shell inlay feathers
Black Mother of Pearl shell inlay feathers
Gold Mother of Pearl shell inlay feathers
Green abalone shell inlay feathers
Paua shell inlay feathers
Pink abalone inlay feathers
White Mother of Pearl Shell inlay feathers
Shell Inlay shapes, markers
Australian greenlip abalone shell inlay shapes and markers
Awabi shell Inlay shapes, markers
Black Mother of Pearl shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Gold MOP shell inlay precut shapes and Inlay markers
Green abalone shell inlay precut shapes & inlay markers
Paua shell precut shapes and inlay markers
Pink mussel shell precut shapes and inlay markers
White Mother of Pearl inlay precut shapes and inlay markers
Shell veneer sheets with and without backing
Agoya shell veneer
Australian greenlip abalone veneer sheets
Awabi shell veneer
Black Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Brownlip Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Donkey ear abalone shell veneer
Fresh Water Pearl shell veneer
Gold Mother of Pearl shell veneer
Green abalone shell veneer
Green Turban (Green snail) shell veneer
Paua shell veneer
Pink abalone veneer
Red abalone veneer
White Mother of Pearl veneer
Shell tiles
Black Mother of Pearl shell tiles
Australian greenlip abalone shells natural and Polished
Awabi shell natural and polished
Black Mother of Pearl shell natural and Polished
Green abalone shells natural and polished
Green Turban (Green snail) shell natural and Polished
Mother of Pearl shell
Paua shell polished and natural
Red abalone shell natural and polished
Strips and Purfling strips
Artificial stone purfling strips
Australian greenlip abalone strips curved
Australian greenlip abalone strips straight
Awabi shell strips curved
Awabi shell strips straight
Black Mother of Pearl shell curved strips
Black Mother of Pearl shell strips straight
Gold Mother of Pearl purfling strips curved
Gold Mother of Pearl purfling strips straight
Green abalone purfling strips curved
Green abalone purfling strips straight
Opal purfling strips
Paua shell strips curved
Paua shell strips straight
Pink abalone strips curved
Pink abalone strips straight
Pink mussel purfling strips curved
Pink mussel purfling strips straight
Red abalone purfling strips curved
Red abalone purfling strips straight
White MOP strips curved
White MOP strips straight
Watch dials and watch dial blanks
Australian Greenlip abalone watch dials
Awabi shell watch dials
Black Mother of Pearl watch dials
Brownlip Mother of Pearl watch dials
Gold Mother of Pearl watch dials
Green abalone watch dials
Green Turban (Green snail) watch dials
Paua shell watch dials
White Ivory pearl shell (White Fresh Water Pearl) watch dials
White Mother of Pearl watch dials
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Pink mussel purfling strips curved
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